Current version:
Function to create face and edge for laser machines to cut plywood.
Absolutely new function and available only in eCut 6!
This function was created to make face and edge for shapes with finger joint method. It is very easy and will be useful to work with plywood, PVC and other materials.
Material width - width of your material
Depth - depth of future product
Add lock to depth - add fingers to each edge
Create slots - create slots for laser cutting for plywood
Maximum and minimum finger - finger size that you want to have
Bending compensation - compensation for different types of material
Min angle to process - how to process edges
Do not change order - for better result, plugin can process each letter separately
Process corners - you can let plugin to move fingers from bad corners (red - no processing, green - processed)
It will be useful if you have laser cutter and plywood, but you also can use it with other materials and CNC.
See how it can look like.
Also, using this function, you can create book from plywood
If you have any suggestion - contact me and we can discuss.
[Nesting][Cut/Plot + contour cutting][Perimeter][Area][Cost][Time][Weeding lines][Multiply][Rectangle nesting][LEDs][Neon][Draft][Central line][Smart divide][Connect opened paths][Fillet][Find intersections][Find duplicates][Search shapes][Create SignBox][Create lines][Create grid][Create cropmarks][Reduce nodes][Effects][Edge roll][Contour cutting file][Separate curve][Remove duplicated edges][Slice object][Eyelets][Create carrier (boundbox)][Align and Distribute][Set size][CAD functions][DXF Export][Replace][Reference scale][Create bridges][Variable][Hotwire cutting][Route optimizer][Finger joint box][Finger joint shape][Volume calculator][Door panels][G codes][Liquid acrylic][Scripts][Finger joint change size]
Other projects: rStones AI nesting eCut for Illustrator eCut for MAC OS
since © 2007 eCut.