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CorelDRAW 2025 will be supported when will be released. )

eCut for CorelDRAW support all full versions of CorelDRAW since X3. eCut for CorelDRAW was updated and become more powerful, faster and more convenient to use. And test period will help you to try all features before to purchase.

Download eCut for CorelDRAW

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What is eCut for CorelDRAW?

This remarkable plugin for CorelDRAW allows many advanced utilities for computer designers who work with Vinyl, CNC machines, or laser cutters.

eCut for CorelDRAW has more than 40 different functions which include invaluable aids with the design of outdoor signs, light boxes, neon and LED signs.

New coding with this new version has made the user interface more user friendly.

Performance of some of the most used functions has been enhanced.

eCut for CorelDRAW - Is a separate DLL, and you can launch only using macros. That is why VBA is necessary to use plugin.

Main areas of application.

Below I will describe the main uses of the program, and what features you should pay attention to each case. eCut for CorelDRAW is powerful tool, and of course, you must be able to use it, because sometimes people do not realize how useful functions can be! Their indirect use can also open up new possibilities of the program!

eCut for CorelDRAW application.

Listed below are some of the powerful uses of the program, and what features that you can avail of in this very powerful program. eCut is a very powerful tool with many inbuilt features. Only by exploring the features and options will you get an appreciation of the functions available and how they can assist you in your productivity. You might be surprised with your experimenting how valuable some of these functions are and possibly open up new avenues with your business.

eCut for CorelDRAW functions







*CAD functions contains many other features to work with nodes/paths.

Milling and laser cutting. Work with CNC machines.

Of course, the most important function are and perimeter calculation. And, oddly enough, is the construction of a composite boxes, combining some of the most common methods of milling.
In addition to nesting, I would like to draw your attention to a clever division.
It is also very interesting feature - delete duplicated edges. It allows to process files for the rectangular cutting.
If you own a machine with native software, which eats only DXF format, you"ll need DXF export feature.
Some time ago new useful feature was added: nodes extensio. This feature makes first node of each path invisible after cutting.
Also for foam cutters will be very useful "hotwire cutting" function.
And most new - route optimization.

Plotter cutting.

With more than 10 years of experience in outdoor advertising, and the same directly to the plotter, I want to note the following - eCut for CorelDRAW irreplaceable!
Nesting, Cut/Plot, perimeter calculation, cost calculation, time calculation, weeding lines, route optimization - these features I would include in MustHave category.
Intersections and dupliacates searching - these features will simply need to work with the artworks prepared by emerging designers.
Separate shape, simplify curve ,remove duplicated edges - just useful features that automate and optimize the performance of the plotter and operator.
Set of effects - especially suitable for the preparation of some effects for vinyl cutting.

Large letters and light boxes.

First of all it is LEDs and Neon. These functions will be invaluable assistance in the design and calculation of illuminated signs. I note only one point - functions are advisory in nature, that is, nothing replaces experience of human, but to estimate the estimated cost of the work they will help 100%.
Edge roll - very powerful tool for the construction of the side walls of channel letters.
To create applications for the light boxes, I would like to pay attention to the Effects - trim. This function enables you to create a layout for cutting the lightbox with the overlap of colors (to avoid white light where two colors joined).
For thous who like to cut plywood will be useful this functions: finger joint box and finger joint shape.

CAD functions and design.

To design and build all sorts of schemes, eCut for CorelDRAW has several useful functions: draft, set of CAD features (mirror, isometric, curve and nodes editors and etc), align, DXF export.

All functions:

NestingOne of the main functions of ecut. It alows you nest objects in few seconds for CNC or plotter cutter.
Cut/Plot + contour cuttingPerfect tool for plotter output. It can print files on system driver and on COM port (using eCom). Many built-in algorithms makes plotted curves looks perfect and weeding process be faster.
PerimeterVery popular tool to measure perimeter of selected objects. Also allow to calculate price depending on shape size.
AreaCalculate area of selected objects without overlaps, but if curves are not perfect, then use BMP area as result.
CostVery useful function to calculate job cost. Allow calculate perimeter or area of selected objects.
TimeUnique function! It calculates time that plotter will spend to plot selected shapes. Best choice to optimize your work time.
Weeding linesVery powerful function to create weeding lines. It has few methods and helps designer save a lot of time.
MultiplyUse this feature to make copies of selected objects. Also you can fill specified area with selected object.
Rectangle nestingRectangle nesting function allows you to nest any type of shapes as rectangles.
LEDsVery powerful function will help user to create beautiful LED signs. Contour and fill methods are great, built-in catalog editor will help user to create own LEDs catalogs. And do not forget, that user can use shape from document as single LED.
NeonThis function was made to help light-signs designers. It helps designer to create great neon sign. Many tools for edit neon tubes will make this process more easy.
DraftUse this function to create draft from selected shapes. User can use standard scales and paste common sizes.
Central lineCreate center line of object using CorelDRAW algorithm or build in eCut magnificent algorithm.
Smart divideBest choice if you want to break word to letters or break complex curve to simple shapes. Very useful when processing files for CNC machines or cutters.
Connect opened pathsThis feature will be very useful after importing CAD files. Try it and all curves with opened paths will be connected to single curve.
FilletGreat function for CNC machine users - it allow you to round corners according to selected method.
Find intersectionsFunction to find intersected objects, use it to fix bad artworks.
Find duplicatesThis function allow user to find similar objects which lies on each other.
Search shapesVery powerful search function.
Create SignBoxUse this function to quickly create boxes from composite material. Best choice for light box and facade
Create linesQuick and simple method to create straight lines.
Create gridQuick method to create simple grid. All you need is specify cell width, height, row and column count.
Create cropmarksVery useful function, that creates simple cropmarks for print output. Useful for print and cut jobs.
Reduce nodesThis function use built in CorelDRAW ability to simplify selected curves. If shape is too noise - optimize it using this function.
Effects8 great effects will help designer to save time. And result of all this effects will be ready to cut on plotter or CNC machine.
Edge rollThis function creates edge roll. Also marks control points, right and left turns.
Contour cutting fileUseful function to create files for printing and cutting.
Separate curveUse this function to divide large objects into little blocks.
Remove duplicated edgesGreat function that removes only duplicated edges. Useful for CNC machines, Removes only straight lines!
Slice objectFunction for cuttnig shapes with overlaps
EyeletsEyelets maker.
Create carrier (boundbox)This function to creates bound box for each selected shapes with specified gap.
Align and DistributeThis function has many features of aligning and distributing objects.
Set sizeThis function set size of all selected objects as user specified in parameters - maximum or minimum.
CAD functionsCAD function collection.
DXF ExportDXF export function for exporting shapes to ACAD format using ARCS and POLYLINES
ReplaceFunction for swap all selected shapes with Master-Shape.
Reference scaleThis feature was created for 3D puzzles designers. It can help to recalculate one material width to another.
Create bridgesThis feature was created for 3D puzzles designers.It can create little bridges for laser cutting.
VariableFunction for multiplying objects with replacing text and shapes from database.
Hotwire cuttingFunction for preparing path for hotwire cutting machines. Very useful for foam cutters.
Route optimizerLittle function for tool path optimization. Used "greedy" algorithm - not best, but using built-in tools can help you to find many ways of application.
Finger joint boxLittle function for creating simple box for laser cutting.
Finger joint shapeFunction to create face and edge for laser machines to cut plywood.
Volume calculatorSimple function to calculate volume and mass of item shape made from sheet materials
Door panelsLittle function to create door panels (facades)
G codesLittle feature to generate G-codes. It is very simple, allows you to generate G-codes for selected paths, but it is enough for many tasks of 2D cutting.
Liquid acrylicLittle calculator for liquid acrylic technology.
ScriptsFunction for creating shapes with parameters
Finger joint change sizeAutomatic change finger size in finger-joint boxes

Other projects:      rStones     AI nesting     eCut for Illustrator     eCut for MAC OS

since © 2007 eCut.